
Showing posts from December, 2013

what is -w and -T in perl

The #! is commonly called a "shebang" and it tells the computer how to run a script. You'll also see lots of shell-scripts with #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash. So, /usr/bin/perl is your Perl interpreter and it is run and given the file to execute. The rest of the line are options for Perl. #!/usr/bin/perl is called shebang line.  -w for warnings- When you add -w you're asking the Perl compiler to warn you about things in your code that may be errors. -T for Taint mode- it means input is marked as "not trusted" until you check it's format .

Perl code of Calculate square root

print "Enter the number:="; $aa=<>; chop($aa); @aaa=split('',$aa); if($aaa[0]=~ /^-/) { shift(@aaa); } $a=join('',@aaa); #print "$a"; $a1=$a/2; for($i=0;$i<10;++$i) { $a2=$a/$a1; $a1=($a1+$a2)/2; } print "$a1"; RESULT:- thanks...have a nice day by Anop Singh Ranawat

Evolution of Sequencing TECHNOLOGY

  thanks...have a nice day by Anop Singh Ranawat

How to remove "there is no disk in the drive.please insert a disk into drive\Device\Hard disk1\DR7?" this error....

1. Go to start..   2. Type RUN    3.type REGEDIT and open 4. click local_machine  5. click on system  6. click on current control set  7. click on control on windows   9. open error mode   10. type 2 in value data and select decimal and OK.......

How to crack root password in redhat 6 (linux)

1.    press any key as soon as the booting starts to display the GRUB menu  2. On the GRUB menu press 'e' to edit the grub menu and go to the second line which begins with the kernel. 3. at the end of the line just type '1' to start the system in single user mode instead of default run level 4. press enter to quit the edit mode and press 'b' 5. type 'setenforce 0' then press enter 6. Then again type 'passwd' then press enter 7. and change the root password.   thanks....have a nice day by Anop Singh Ranawat