
Showing posts from April, 2015

Vcf-Tools : Error "Broken Vcf Header, No Column Names?'"

Vcf-Tools : Error "Broken Vcf Header, No Column Names?'" if u have this error.... you can use  use tabix then after then type  vcf-compare a.vcf.gz b.vcf.gz  c.vcf.gz 

How to solve: Geany tried to access the Unix Domain socket of another instance running as another user. This is a fatal error and Geany will now quit?

How to solve: Geany tried to access the Unix Domain socket of another instance running as another user. This is a fatal error and Geany will now quit?   open a Linux terminal type  1) cd ~ 2) cd ~/.config/geany/  3) ls -la you get lrwxrwxrwx  1 root     root       26 Mar 31 18:48 geany_socket_iloveperl__0 -> /tmp/geany_socket.fdbe2a36 4) sudo rm geany_socket_iloveperl__0

[ti_index_build2] fail to create the index file error in vcftools

[ti_index_build2] fail to create the index file  for vcf file error in vcftools If you get this error then type 1 )su and type your root password then type 2)  tabix -p vcf filename.vcf.gz