csir labs for life sciences

Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB)
Near Jubilee Hall, Delhi University Campus, Mall Road, Delhi 110 007
Telephone: 011-27666156/6157/7602/7439
Fax: 011-27667471
Email: info@igib.res.in
Web: http://www.igib.res.in/
Research Areas: Allergy and immunology, diagnostics, genetic engineering, bio-organics and high-tech reagents.

Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre (INSDOC)
14, Satsang Vihar Marg, Special Institutional Area, New Delhi 110 067
Telephone: 011-660141, 660143, 660162
Fax: 011-6862228, 6526840
Email: mcs@sirnetd.ernet.in
Web: http://www.insdoc.org/
Research Areas: Design and development of S & T database, network-based online services, R & D in information science and technology. National

Institute of Science Technology & Development Studies (NISTDS)
Pusa Gate, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi 110 012
Telephone: 011-25841384
Fax: 011-25846640
Email: rkk@nistads.res.in
Web: http://www.nistads.res.in/
Research Areas: Mathematical modelling for S & T studies, information systems and S & T archival resources, technological and social change, history and philosophy of science.

National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR)
Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, New Delhi 110 012
Telephone: 011-5786301-07
Fax: 011-5787062
Email: niscom@sirnetd.ernet.in
Web: http://www.niscair.res.in/
Research Areas: Information services: Medicinal & Aromatic Plants Information Service (MAPIS), Industrial Information Service, science popularization.

Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT)
Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007, Andhra Pradesh
Telephone: 040-27160123
Fax: 040-27160387
Email: kvr@iict.ap.nic.in, mailto:%20sampath@iict.ap.nic.in
Web: http://www.iictindia.org/
Research Areas: Development of technologies for pesticides, drugs, organic intermediates and fine chemicals.

Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB)
Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007, Andhra Pradesh
Telephone: 040-27160222-41
Fax: 040-27160591/ 0311
Email: (Director): lalji@ccmb.res.in
Web: http://www.ccmb.res.in/
Research Areas: Biophysics & biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics & evolution, biomedicines & biotechnology.

Industrial Toxicology Research Centre (ITRC)
Mahatma Gandhi Marg, P.O. Box No. 80, Lucknow 226 001, Uttar Pradesh
Telephone: 0522-2621856, 2228227, 2213357
Fax: 0522-2228227, 2211547
Email: info@itrcindia.org
Web: http://www.itrcindia.org/
Research Areas: Neurotoxicology, environmental health, immunotoxicology and environmental biotechnology.

Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CIMAP)
P.O. CIMAP, Near Kukrail Picnic Spot, Lucknow 226 015, Uttar Pradesh
Telephone: 0522-2359623
Fax: 0522-2342666
Email: director@cimap.res.in
Web: http://www.cimap.res.in/
Research Areas: Development of agrotechnologies for economically important medicinal and aromatic plants, basic research in the area of phytochemistry, plant physiology and biochemistry, pathology, genetics, entomology and pharmacognosy.

Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI)
Chattar Manzil Palace, Post Box No. 173, Lucknow 226 001, Uttar Pradesh
Telephone: 0522-2212411-18, 2212439
Fax: 0522-2223405, 2223938
Email: info@cdriindia.org
Web: http://www.cdriindia.org/
Research Areas: Development of contraceptives, new drugs for tropical diseases (malaria, filariasis, leishmaniasis), cardio-vascular and central nervous system disorders.

National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI)
Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow 226 001, Uttar Pradesh
Telephone: 0522-2205848
Fax: 0522-2205839
Email: p.pushpangadan@nbri.res.in
Web: http://www.nbri-lko.org/
Research Areas: Plant biotechnology, environmental sciences, taxonomy and ethnobotany, plant molecular biology.

Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI)
Mysore 570 013, Karnataka
Telephone: 0821-2515910/ 2514760
Fax: 0821-2517233
Email: prp@cscftri.ren.nic.in
Web: http://www.cftri.com/
Research Areas: Development of food products and processes for optimal utilization of country’s agricultural produce, upgrading traditional food technology & development of appropriate technologies for reducing and eliminating post-harvest losses of perishables and durables, bioactive substances and food packaging.

Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI)
Adyar, Chennai 600 020, Tamil Nadu
Telephone: 044-24910846/ 97
Fax: 044-24911589, 24912150
Email: directorsoffice@clrim.org
Web: http://www.clri.org/
Research Areas: Modernisation of tanneries, development of environment-friendly chemicals and technologies including enzymatic options, tannery and slaughter house byproducts.

Institute of Microbial Technology (IMTECH)
Sector 39-A, Chandigarh 160 036
Telephone: 0172-695225/226/219, 690025/173/908
Fax: 0172-690585/ 632
Email: raghava@imtech.res.in
Web: http://www.imtech.res.in/
Research Areas: Molecular biology and microbial genetics, animal cell/tissue culture and protein engineering.

Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO)
Sector 30C, Chandigarh 160 030
Telephone: 0172-651722/ 728/ 745
Fax: 0172-657267, 657082
Email: root@cscsio.ren.nic.in
Web: http://www.csio.org/
Research Areas: Development of instruments for microelectronics, special defence needs, development of analytical instrumentation.

Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology
Post Box No. 6, Palampur 176 061, Himachal Pradesh
Telephone: 01894-230424-26, 230741-43
Fax: 01894-230433
Email: root@csihbt.ren.nic.in, director@ihbt.csir.res.in
Web: http://www.icast.org.in/csir/ihbt.html
Research Areas: Floriculture, tea sciences, biotechnology and natural plant products.

Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (IICB)
4, Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata 700 032, West Bengal
Telephone: 033-24730492/ 3492
Fax: 033-24730286
Email: (Director): director@iicb.res.in
Web: http://www.iicb.res.in/
Research Areas: Natural products of medicinal, biological and industrial value, development of innovative immunoassay techniques, development of tissue-targeted drug-delivery system.

National Chemical Laboratory (NCL)
Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Pune 411 008, Maharashtra
Telephone: 020-20-5893030
Fax: 020-5893355
Email: director@ems.ncl.res.in
Web: http://www.ncl-india.org/
Research Areas: Catalysis, biotechnology, organic chemical technology, basic research in chemistry and biochemistry.

National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI)
Nehru Marg, Nagpur 440 020, Maharashtra
Telephone: 0712-2226071/6075/3423/3424
Fax: 0712-2222725
Email: dirneeri@nagpur.dot.net.in
Web: http://www.neeri.nic.in/
Research Areas: National/societal missions on drinking water, environmental biotechnology, hazardous waste management, modelling and optimization.

Regional Research Laboratory (RRL)
Industrial Estate P.O., Pappanamcode, Thiruvananthapuram 695 019, Kerala
Telephone: 0471-2490224/ 0674/ 0811
Fax: 0471-2491712, 2490186
Email: root@csrrltrd.ren.nic.in
Web: http://w3rrlt.csir.res.in/
Research Areas: Chemistry of natural products, agroprocessing, photochemical systems including solar energy conversion, analysis of pollutants and waste-water technology.

National Institute of Oceanography (NIO)
Dona Paula 403 004, Goa
Telephone: 0832-221322, 226253
Fax: 0832-223340, 229102
Email: webmaster@darya.nio.org
Web: http://www.nio.org/
Research Areas: International geosphere-bio-sphere programme, oceanographic studies of the Antarctic waters, marine biotechnology and technologies for rural development.

Regional Research Laboratory (RRL Jammu)
Canal Road, Jammu 130 001, Jammu & Kashmir
Telephone: 0191-2546368, 2549051
Fax: 0191-2546383, 2548607, 2543829
Email: (Director): qazi_gn@yahoo.com, root@csrrljm.ren.nic.in
Web: http://www.rrljammu.org/
Research Areas: Natural products & organic chemistry, introduction, improvement and cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants, post harvest technology and applied microbiology & mutation genetics.

Regional Research Laboratory (RRL Jorhat)
Jorhat 785 006, Assam
Telephone: 0376-2370121/2370086
Fax: 0376-2370011
Email: drrljt@csir.res.in, inform@csir.res.in
Web: http://jorhat.nic.in/rrl.htm
Research Areas: Development of oil field chemicals, agrochemicals, drugs and drug intermediates, organic chemistry, biochemistry and geoscience.

Read more: http://www.careers-india.com/2009/03/08/list-of-csir-research-labs-doing-life-science-research/#ixzz3sWkbggHJ


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